not necessarily about everything that i dropped off on the paper!: November 2004

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

No description

Me this time as giraffe!

drawn by moostive


You now gotta know who he is! Don't ya?

by moostive

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

My Beanie

My beanie which has now become quite famous, at the very least it really seems to me as whoever sees me mentions that he/she's recognized me only because of my beanie ofcourse after my even more well-known goatee!!!

Photo taken by moostive
p.s:moostive is an old nickname of mine

Sunday, November 21, 2004

Melting eye

Do you see the eye?

by moostive / 2004

Playing Setar

Playing setar is one of my greatest hobbies, I love playing setar specially whenever I'm bored, here's me playing it:

Photo taken by moostive

Friday, November 19, 2004

Floating Dots

Floating Dots in my sophisticated space:

drwan by moostive

Wanna have your say about it, simply e-mail me or just leave your comment in here.

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

My very own type of Cartoon

This one is just a sample of my very own type of Cartoon:

drawn by moostive

Just an experience

Here's just another experience:

drwan by moostive

Thursday, November 11, 2004

"10" the movie

Don't miss this out:
BBC4's gonna show the movie "10" by Kiarostami (9:00) this saturday at night.

Insightful film about life in Iran, based around ten conversations a woman has with different people as she drives around Tehran.

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

UK's favourite film catch phrases

ODEON cinema managers around the UK were recently asked their favourite film catch phrases of all time. The top 10 shows that the old catch phrases have stood the test of time...

1) You talking to me? - Taxi Driver
2) The name's Bond, James Bond - Dr. No
3) What's it all about? - Alfie
4) Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn - Gone with the Wind
5) We're gonna need a bigger boat - Jaws
6) No one puts baby in the corner - Dirty Dancing
7) You're only supposed to blow the bloody doors off! - The Italian Job
8) May the force be with you - Star Wars
9) Show me the money! - Jerry Maguire
10) Yeah baby, yeah! - Austin Powers

Monday, November 08, 2004

Sep 11

drwan by moostive

Sunday, November 07, 2004

Blog administrator's newest pic

This is the blog admin's newest pic but I gotta tell ya that the blog admin is me myself!!!

Photo taken by Moostive

Tuesday, November 02, 2004


drawn by moostive


drawn by moostive

Being Punk

I was thinking how would I look if I was a punk that made me draw the pic below which clearly shows how:

drwan by moostive

The Duel(National Project!)

Is an Iranian movie made by Ahmadreza darvsish

The story goes back to the first years of Iran - Iraq war (1980's).

Zeinal is accused of betraying of his country. When he is at the age of 40, freed after 20- year imprisonment of war in Iraq. At the beginning of the war and rushing the enemy into the country he resists against the enemy with a group of local people opposite a train station in khoramshahr (southern city of Iran and near the Iraq boarder).

Eskandar and his companions ask Zeinal to stop a pre-planned conspiracy by trespassing the enemy to get back a package of classified documents stashed in a safe- Box on a train behind Iraqi frontline .....................

Check out the Duel's website by clicking on the pic below: