This is not a diary obviously and ain't about all the things I do too clearly!!!
posted by m rasoulov at 11:25 AM
این تمام ای که قاطی پاتی کرده دلیلش ای هست که از بس شمو اینجو چیزی ننوشتی دیگه ای بی زبون هم یادش رفته که چه چوری باید بینویسه. من هم بودم سر در گم میشدم. کجایی کاکو خیلی کم پیدایی
it is not easy to blive it! it is the most hard things that i know!
باورش واقعا سخته جناب رسول اف! اینکه تو دیگه بین ما نیستی! جدا دلم برات تنگ میشه!تو یکی از انسان ترین انسان هایی بودی که دیدم!حیف که این قدر زود رفتی و کارهای فوق العاده ات نیمه کاره موند!روحت شاد هرچند هنوز باورش سخته
So long, friend.
خدا بیامرزدت باورش سخت است هر جند که الان با تو آشنا شدم
سپيده دير آمدي شب عاشقم كرد و رفت...با اين كه تازه شناختمت اما واقعا پريشانم كه ديگر نيستي خصوصا كه همسن هستيم...روحت شاد
آدمی در عالم خاکی نمی آید به دستعالمی دیگر بباید ساخت و از نوآدمی سکوتدیگر همه روزم غمگین است میدانم پیشت میآیم اما صبرم زیاد نیست دعایم کنهمیشه داغدارت میمانیم
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I was born in Shiraz, Fars, Iran but I grew up in Tehran city, where my love of architecture, painting, and photography was developed. As a creative person art has always been a vital part of my life and I have been that lucky to try different medias but I have never sat down in art classes as Engineering is my occupation at the moment but I have also never needed to as Art is something you don't really need lectures for to understand its basic concepts and all you need to do is deepen your strengths. Caricature is mostly the main output of my works as it really provides all aspects of combining all those things I just mentioned above fully together. I also Write articles on various issues of arts once again mostly on cartoon from time to time in which some of them have been published around in different magazines & websites such as “kayhan caricature”. My works have also been exhibited for number of times in some exhibitions, books, magazines & newspapres in & outside Iran.
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