not necessarily about everything that i dropped off on the paper!: September 2004

Saturday, September 11, 2004

LEGO's recently built its net-branch in Iran...check it out if you're looking for some really crazy cheap prices.
What are you waiting for, click on the pic below!

Saturday, September 04, 2004

I am colourful on my gray regular basis

I alway kinda talk to myself trying to figure out who I actually am,trying to sneak outta my made up body.....I pass the street by and I'm not gonna change my way; I'm on my is thursday & I got my cap on and once again proud of having facial hair and am colourful on my gray regular basis...I'm on my way.

M Rasoulov

Rumors !

I gotta Try to be much more careful if I hear that somebody's spreading rumors about me behind my back;especially if it's a friend I trust.

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

My neon pic!

This is me.
My neon pic!