not necessarily about everything that i dropped off on the paper!: Laugh now but soon we'll be in charge!

Monday, May 23, 2005

Laugh now but soon we'll be in charge!

Well, 1st of all they don't seem to be caring about voters turnout which is not shocking.
2ndly I am so so delighted today, I'll tell you later why!(if you've already guessed why, yes I did it.) so mission's halfly accomplished though.
3rdly Pound is much cheaper than what it was month ago, maybe I'll have round about £20 0r £30 more this month in my account.
4thly I'm trying to stay away from politics so ignore the first line of this entry.
5thly I saw this graffiti of monkeys wearing a tee-shirt saying "laugh now but soon we'll be in charge!" which was shall I say coolly drawn on a train.
6thly wanna have your say, leave comment.



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